Are you a breastfeeding Mama that is ready to build the lean and strong body of your dreams while keeping an abundant breastmilk supply?

Yes, you can absolutely do both!

You CAN lose body fat while nourishing your baby with the right strategy.

✨The power of your "AND mentality" is a beautiful thing!✨


 ✨Private account in The Liquid Gold Wellness Lab app so you can track your progress.
✨12 weeks of text support with Ashley so your questions are always answered.
✨Weekly accountability check-ins.
✨Access to community of like-minded new moms 
✨Customized macros and weekly meal plan with breastmilk production support and Instacart link so everything you need is a click away.
✨4 (30 min or less) On-Demand workouts per week so you can get your workouts done at a time that works best for you.

✨Bi-Weekly 1:1 calls for additional support and accountability.


Complimentary photoshoot in Los Angeles, CA to capture your amazing results Makeup and hair styling included! (airfare & hotel accommodations not included)


Body Revitalization

Rebuild your core strength, shed body fat, and boost your confidence.

Milk Safeguarding

Designed to ensure your workouts won't compromise your breast milk supply.

Empowered Motherhood

Feel strong, vibrant, and fabulous without sacrificing precious time with your little one.

You want to feel and look your best. You know that going all-in with this program will help you do that.

Picture this, I can see you now....

You walk into your closet at 6:57am on Monday morning excited to get dressed because you are able to wear your favorite pre-pregnancy jeans with ease!

You deserve to love how your body feels, looks, and functions post childbirth.

Hi beauty! I’m the founder of Liquid Gold Wellness Lab and the creator of The Milk&Muscle Method.

I help new Mama’s that were active before and or during pregnancy create the toned body of their dreams without jeopardizing their breastmilk supply so they can step into motherhood empowered in every aspect of their life.

Since 2021 I’ve been using my decade+ of personal training knowledge and experience to help women all over the world harness the power of Holistic Fitness to transform their bodies more quickly and efficiently than they could on their own.